Autumn in Minnesota

Hello World!

Welcome to the first of my planned blogs. As I am a writer (just because you aren’t published yet doesn’t mean you’re not a writer!) in the early stages of my journey, I sat down to think of a way in which I could lend my contribution to the sprawling world of writing advice.

Without published work, or a list of literary accolades, I understand that any advice I give will inevitably be advice that does not spring from a wealth of experience or success in the writing industry. Today’s world makes accessing advice from bestselling authors easier than ever, and with the number of quality, established and breakout authors in the fantasy scene, I realize that traditional writing tips coming from me would likely add little value to the scene.

Thus, after countless hours spent toiling over my first novel in the depths of my dungeon (office), it occurred to me that, while I may be lacking in experience, I am still gaining experience.

I am working towards my dream, a dream that many aspiring authors hold dear to their hearts. I am experiencing the highs and lows that come with creative work. I am exuberantly pouring words onto a page after a moment of spontaneous inspiration. I am staring at a blinking cursor on my screen while battling the ever present monster we know as writer’s block. I am confident in my work. I re-read my work and feel like it was written by a monkey. I am passionate to share my work with others. I am terrified to have others read my work.

Without even having finished my first novel, I have already experienced many things that aspiring writers (not aspiring authors) will never feel. For years, I always had stories forming in my imagination, characters and worlds that I grew attached to. Yet, for one reason or another, I never actually took the step to become a writer. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve had (or perhaps still have) a similar experience.

Writing a book is daunting. The idea that sparked you into action soon begins to sputter beneath the mountain of writing advice you’ve attempted to retain. There are so many things to keep in mind – show, don’t tell, keep the pacing just right, create realistic dialogue that serves a purpose, make sure your viewpoint characters aren’t just carbon copies of one another. The list goes on. And looming beyond all of that, even if you succeed in achieving the impossible and actually finish a book, there is the uber-competitive, uber-saturated, and uber-scary (well, at least I think so) world of publishing.

All of this leads me to say that writing, while a passion we share, is not easy. Countless obstacles will get in your way. Self-doubt will discourage you. Listening to the opinions or writings of others might convince you you’re no good. But as the old sports adage goes, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

And that’s where this blog comes in. I may not be able to give you the same level or depth of sage advice you could glean from professional authors. However, I am on the Writer’s Journey, and I know that many others out there walk the same road as me. Here, I will document my journey. I will voice the struggles, celebrate the triumphs, stream my thought process to show where I get stuck, and how I overcome. I will share things I learn that work, and things that did not work, and how I came to realize they did or did not work.

I am hopeful that this blog will at least serve as relevant information for those of you out there taking the Writer’s Journey. Without the success and accolades of being a published author, perhaps the common ground we find in our struggles will be more accessible, and feel less threatening than facing down the endless stream of professional advice that can cause us to feel paralyzed. Do not misunderstand me, I have done days, weeks, months of research into the art of writing. It has served me well. But sometimes, what we really need most on our journey is to find others adrift on the sea, making for the shoreline of a completed novel.